Toilet Pondering 10.03.21

With so much crap going on in Washington DC it makes me wonder what is the official toilet paper for Congress in the White House?

I wonder if they use thick toilet paper or if they believe their sustainability in thin toilet paper. Aw shucks as much crap as they drop every day it’s gotta be thick. This thin stuff is for the rest of us.

How does Joe Bidladin sleep at night?

How do people in congress sleep at night?

How do the swamp members at the pentagon sleep at night?

How does General Mike Milley look at himself in the mirror? Was he large and in charge of imprisoning Lt Stuart Scheller?

Is the general a brave man, a treasonous man, or does he use more toilet paper in one day than the entire USA uses in a year? Cause he is full of crap.

Does he have a reason for his treason?

Does Washington believe the holidays are a season for treason?

What is the house and the senate’s reason for the treason?

Do we pay taxes to Uncle Sam so it can go to the Taliban?

Why didn’t Joe Bidladin’s mother abort him?

Did the majority of Toilet Paper hoarding happen because the politicians wanted to cover their arse?

Does Joe Bidladin plunge his own toilet?

I wonder if Mr. Bidladin knows We the people can only handle so much stress and that he is really pushing it.

Should we put Joe Bidladin’s press secretary in a box and send her back to CNN?

What do Slick Willy, Bill Gates, Joe Bidladin, Shifty Shift, Hussain Obama, and Aqua Lung have in common? Is it they like to sit at playgrounds and watch the children play?

Sitting on the park bench. Eyeing little girls with bad intent. Watching as the frilly panties run.

Toilet Pondering 09.28.21

Do hairy muffin tops smell?

Why are feminine hormones the cause of all men’s suffering?

Why is PMS the perfect man tool to cast blame on the opposite sex anytime the man does something badly?

Why don’t they change the definition of a period to the time of the month when men get to act as bad as they want and blame it on the woman being on the rag?

Why don’t men know that blaming anything on a woman’s time of the month just lets all women know the man is the problem?

If you can’t drink and drive, why do bars have parking lots?

Is it better to conceive a child in a van, pickup truck, or a limo?

Would you have given baby Jesus the jab?

What do Dr. Mangala and Dr. Faui have in common?

Is Gayna Function Dr. Fauci’s mistress?

Does Gayna Function work at the Wuhan lab?

Has Dr. Fauci ever heard of the Nuremberg Codes?

Shouldn’t the FDA be tried for crimes against humanity?

Do you want a healthcare worker who compromises just to keep their job or do you want a healthcare worker with integrity?

Many people must have a urine test to get a job, why don’t politicians?

Why are we allowing idiots to run the country?

How many in congress took the Constitutional oath and purged themselves?

Does that make them the House of hypocrites?

Why do they think the government was almost toppled by an unarmed mob on January 6th? What does that tell our enemies?

Who shot Ashley Babbitt?

Are all Rhinos pedophiles?

LBGTQ+ what does the plus stand for anyway?

How bad does Kevin Spacey have to be to be banned from Epstein’s Island?

Who taught Hunter Biden Sodomy?

Is a 12-year-old too old to attend a Hunter Biden party?

Who supplies Hunter Biden crack?

When did PC become Pro-China?

Why does Hunter Biden’s artwork cost so much?

Why don’t people understand money laundering is not the Bidens throwing their pants in the washer without checking their pockets?

Since the Biden Regime allows illegals to cross the border and gives them free homes, why are America’s homeless left on the streets?

Wouldn’t all the homeless have died if there was a real pandemic?