
Toilet Ponderings 09.13.2021

Is Isis K a breakfast cereal?

Why are we letting the minority 2% owning the majority?

Nothing says you love your kids more than sending your kids to public school. When did schools become pubic schools?

Things that might make you wanna homeschool your child.

Your kid says mommy I’m tired of my teacher taking my temp every day. Why do they have to use a rectal thermometer?

Mommy why can the Govt counterfeit money and we can’t?

Mommy my teacher wants me to stay over to learn a new game called guess how many inches.

Mommy, we played drinking games called How much can you swallow?

My kid’s school teacher said they are going to play bottoms up, what exactly does that mean?

My teacher had his zipper down. I told him and he said thanks for noticing.

Why did my kid’s science teacher ask, do you do anal?

Why did my kid’s school teacher say he wanted to toss my kid’s salad?

What are people gonna say now when their kids don’t want to go back to school anymore?

Covid is the world’s worst experiment. When are we gonna say NO MORE?

When are we gonna pull our kids from public schools?

Toilet Ponderings 09.08.21

Why has it just gotta be gas?

I fart in french.

Where is my lighter?

This is my not so silent protest.

Think I’ll try out for America’s got talent.

Maybe I can cut a CD from this.

Talk about laying down some tracts.

I hope my in-laws are impressed.

This is a very religious bathroom. I keep hearing people come in saying “Oh Lordy!”

They call me Mr. Explosive.

Oh yeah, we are crushing them today!

That’s music to my ears.

That guy should have never sat in the stall next to me. I am very competitive.

Hey, that’s not my hand. Momma warned me about public restrooms.

Now I understand the meaning of blockage.

Don’t make me come in there and get you.

Sometimes when I am sitting here I sweat.

My mother told me don’t wait so long.

The man in the stall next to me must be having a respiratory attack.

I am the pusher man.

Now that was moist.

I wonder if my date has left yet.

I wonder if my girlfriend’s roommates think I’ve been in here too long.

Why do I keep losing all of my girlfriends?

I wonder if hydraulics will help.

Why won’t Scotty beam me aboard?

Finally, a suppository that fits.

Do you think I am going to miss the ball?

Some day my prince will come.

I’m too sexy for my shit, too sexy for my shit.

I just had to eat the cobb too?

I wonder if ever I will be invited back.

I think I’ll write a blog about the clog.

I sure hope the toilet doesn’t back up today.

No more sourkraut for me.

I think I offended Chewy. May the force be with me. Luke, I am your father.

Ugh, I hate it when they get stuck.

Oh please just snap off.

Oh no, I think I need to call an EMT.

Calling Dr. Detox

Give me an E

Give me an N

Give me an E

Give me an M

Give me an A

What do you get enema!

Was that diarrhea or did I just have a hemorrhage?

I will never play Last Tango in Paris again.

I should not have signed up to be an altar boy.

Nasa we have splashdown!

This just proves there is one way to impress her on your first date.

We are gonna have a good time at the laundromat today.

This is the wrong time to realize you forgot to pay the water bill.

Oh I should have saved that one for my PJs

Well what do you know, there is my rrrRaybans.

I always enjoy using someone else’s toothbrush.

oooooo that was furry.

Last time I get a Mcfurry.

Is this a hint I should open a soft-serve shop?

Oh, look at that one. It reminds me of Hunter Bidladin’s artwork.

I wonder if anyone will notice I brought my breakfast cereal in here this morning.

I lost that model car when I was in the 2nd grade playing drive into the tunnel.

I called the EMTs for help. They told me they would wait outside.

They weren’t that large when I was a little boy.

Really could it get any bigger?

Hello Rotterrooter.

For some reason, convenience stores won’t let me use their bathroom anymore.

Hey wait, that’s my phone number written on the wall.

I just heard God say flush the thing already!

Why does it always back up when I’m sitting on it?

That’s the last time I trust a Dominion voting machine.

My wife left me. She said she just couldn’t take it anymore.

I probably blew this job interview.

Oh no, talk about climate change.

Surprise when you think they just couldn’t get any bigger.

I bet that first one wishes it wasn’t on the bottom now!

Wonder if my boss and his wife will ever invite me back over for dinner again.

At least there is one time of day it’s all about me.

It’s good to play exit ramp. There is heavy build-up traffic today!


I think I’ll write a blog about the log.

Was that a suppository or a tapeworm?

Someone told me you are not supposed to smoke a suppository.

Guess I don’t have to buy bait when I go fishing today. I have plenty of worms.

Oh Shit! This is not the time to be out of toilet paper.

Sometimes I’m in the bathroom, so long people think I’m doing heroin.

Another 5 minutes and we will be calling the Coast Guard.

Help me I need a life preserver!

Fans in bathrooms should be mandatory.

I think I need a shower.

I just found that quarter we lost from when we played bounce the quarter off my ass.

I’ve gotta stop eating fast food.

And they say men don’t know how to give birth.

My inner voice is saying “how about a courtesy flush?”

I knew that roll of quarters was in here someplace.

How many plumbers have I kept employed?

I won’t be going to work today!

Every morning I do sit-ups, apparently, I did shit-ups.

After this, I will have to skip the shower and go to the car wash.

If I don’t shower I might just jump in the pool. Do you think anybody will notice?

Out of toilet paper again. I guess I’ll just drag my ass on the grass like the neighbor’s dog.

It’s good to get rid of parasites, it’s good to get rid of parasites, it’s good to get rid of parasites.

Good things come in all-size packages. When is enough, enough?

It’s a good thing I have buns of steel.

They call me Mr. Invincible.

I should be outside Nancy Pelosi’s house.

Oh my dogs are gonna be jealous

I guess I should use the bathroom more than once a week.

My wife won’t let me use her biday.

Would someone throw me a lifeline?

Last time I say hook me up.

Well, at least I’m an expert in one thing.

Forest Dump doesn’t have nothing on me.

Can’t touch this and you probably don’t want to.

Ok ok I am ready to wear a mask, make that two.

Help me I can’t get up, I think I’m bleeding.

Wow now that’s Fung-Shui

Gonna have to burn some sage after this one.

I believe I caused a ripple effect.

One more flush and I’ll need a raincoat.

That was a good one, I think I’ll take a picture.

I flushed but something is rubbing my bum

I caused a tsunami

I think I’m the toilet seat cover.

I’ve never felt so clean.

Why does this always happen after I put fresh sheets on the bed.

Oh come on 60 times a day, oh please.

Who needs butt beads?

The census bureau asked me how many kids I had. I told them I dropped them all off at the pool.

Don’t think I’ll eat dog food again.

Nothing beats fiber.

There goes a perfectly good cheesecake.

Ain’t no sunshine where that came from.

That must have been Asian food, it was just wong.

Now that was presidential.

Will someone please wipe my ass?

What do people who have 2 broken arms do?

It’s been a long time coming.

I guess it’s time to pump out the septic tank.

Is it wrong for me to want to fish my lottery ticket out of the toilet?

Will they still allow me to claim my winnings?

Talk about Montezuma’s revenge.

Some call it white rage but that’s a lie cause it’s all brown.

My wife likes to edit my shit.

They call me Mr Puddin’

Toilet Ponderings 09.01.21

If Alexa, Google, and Big Brother are allowed to watch you, why do they arrest peeping Toms?

If Google, Siri, and Big Brother are allowed to follow you wherever you go, why do they arrest stalkers?

Why are we allowing communists to rule America?

Why are the elitists buying up all the farmland and then telling us to expect food shortages?

Is it more honorable to get shot standing up for freedom or getting a shot?

What do DC politicians, the swamp, Russia, China, Iran, Isis, and the Taliban all have in common?

If the government and your employer want to give you the jab does that mean they are jihadists?

Why do politicians want to kill the members of our military by giving them an experimental vax that’s not a vax?

How can anyone possibly know all the 2 Million laws?

When did Nancy Pelosi become queen?

If you can get a restraining order against a person why can’t we get a restraining order against the government?

Toilet Ponderings 07.19.21

Does Dr Fauci look like the Nazi in Indiana Jones?

Why is it unconstitutional to go to church?

Why is it unconstitutional to be a Christian?

Did Jesus ever question his gender?

Why don’t they wanna clone Jesus?

Can we abort Planned Parenthood?

Is it unconstitutional to pray?

Does God forgive pedophiles?

Would you vote for a presidential candidate who wants to take away your right to pray?

What would Jesus Do, wear a mask or not wear a mask?

What would Jesus do, get the jab or not get the jab?

What will we do when the government mandates to get the jab or it’s illegal to pray?

Do transexuals have a weaker immune system?

What size cup does a teet mouse wear?

Should a teet mouse have to wear a shirt in public?

Is it ok to have your teet mouse wear a thong?

Toilet Ponderings 07.17.2021

No time to take a crap?

Cut the time it takes. Do a coffee enema.

Faster yet. Make it an expresso.

Do you like your coffee enemas hot or iced?

What does it mean if someone doing a coffee enema takes an empty coffee cup in with them?

Would you like cream or sugar with that?

Why do some people’s doo doo balls float?

Why do some public toilets have unflushed turds in them but no toilet paper?

Who supplies Hunter Biden with his crack?

Who has Hunter Biden’s laptop?

Did Hillary Clinton really eat the face off of a child?

Why is Hillary Clinton still free?

Would you smoke one of Bill Clinton’s cigars?

Why does the ring on Bill Clinton’s cigars say crotch?

Why do some people not believe in God?

Why do some people not believe there are miracles but they believe in Dr. Fauci?

Why are over 150 Million people afraid of Joe Biden and his handful of Marxist Socialist Communist friends?

Does my last toilet pondering make me an insurgent?

Can you still be looked at as an insurgent if you are totally blind?

Why do some people wonder how does a blind guy know if he wiped his arse?

Note: It’s easy if you’ve had practice making out in dark rooms.

Why would some people think they were drinking from their beer bottle and instead pick the bottle up they have been spitting in. Beer oysters anyone?

Why do some people try to cut their own Hemroids off?

AOC said to shoot all the cattle due to their flatulence. When AOC farts should she shoot herself, of course save the planet?

Does anyone really believe the UN likes America?

Why does America do any business with China?

Do we really need them?

Did the cabal invent cable TV? If they did, shouldn’t it be called cabal TV?

Wait they do have cabal TV it’s all the mainstream (fake) news outlets. Does that last statement make me an insurgent?

Does Joe Biden think the term sharing the love means sniff somebody’s hair?

Does Joe Biden have Sniffolous?

Is it true Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are opening a Mexican Restaurant chain? Does their help wanted ad read now hiring for all positions and shifts wearing a covid mask even if proven you have covid, no ID needed. Call Kamala for an interview. Does Joe Biden sniff Kamala Harris’ hair?

Since Joe Biden isn’t allowed his own Airforce One, is his jet called HairForce One?

Why do some people’s doo doo balls look like milk duds?

Why did God create pubic hair?

Why do men shave their chests?

What is with purple hair anyway?

Why do some people not pray when they go to bed? I know it’s mandatory for me.

Is Nancy Pelosi really a woman?

Does Shifty Schiff really lure homeless meth-head men to DC sex parties in exchange for giving them a $10 rock?

Is Chuck Schumer really a man?

Have I left anyone out?

What size are Goofy’s shoes?

Why do people sniff their armpits in public?

Why do some people braid their nose hairs?

Why did Joe Biden think his sister is his wife?

Is there something we need to know about their childhood?

Who does Joe Biden’s wife Dr Biden really bang?

Who is running the White House?

Why is the Left allowed to be racist?

Can there be a new Washington DC baseball team called the Washington Insurgents?

How do you know if its a fart or a shart?

Did Shakespeare say to flush or not to flush, that is the question?

For most people who ask the question hair, to brush or not to brush; what runs through Joe Biden’s head when it comes to hair to sniff or not to sniff?

Living within insight

Born to Live and Laugh is about just that, living and laughing. Who doesn’t like to laugh? So much to laugh with as long as it is not usery but in the name of positive mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional health; sometimes can be sustained by laughing at our own condition – life’s condition. The fullness of life is found through living. Living with an awareness blossoming through insight.

Life is not easy, life is difficult, and through laughing we continue into another day and beyond. Everywhere around us and in us brings us the insights to live at a higher level. Laughter helps us get there as well. It’s a buffer. It’s a key providing access to that ah-ha moment which can many times lead us to gain the insight. Even during chaos heaven is around us and in us.

This movie Celestine Prophecy although somewhat confusing brings insight to life which leads to laughter and an ah-ha moment.


In heightening our consciousness we will find others who do the same. When we receive our energy from inside ourselves and then give it to each other we amplify the energy to find heaven here on earth. This movie is awesome at explaining our next step in evolution.

Enjoy the movie and please pay attention.


July 10th 2021 Celebration

Did you get to celebrate America’s July teenth?

On July 10th (teenth) Lady Godiva invented Godiva chocolates then rode naked on her horse to protest her husband’s tyrannical tax acts. Gotta love chocolate.

Lady Godiva as painted in c. 1897 by John Collier

picture retrieved from:

In 1938 Howard Hughes flies around the world in 91 hours.

Aviator and Businessman Howard Hughes

Picture retrieved from

Joe Biden sniffed someone’s hair but he doesn’t know whose.

The NP's Official USA Political Thread | Page 1372 - NamePros

Picture retrieved from

Inventor Nikola Tesla born July 10 (teenth) 1856.

Nikola Tesla 1 of 6

Toilet Ponderings 07.05.21

Random thoughts that come to the mind while pondering on the toilet.

Get your daily dose of toilet ponderings.

Give Joe Biden some shit. Send him your dirty diapers.

Give Joe Biden a piece of your mind, cause he has none of his own.

Joe Biden your mother called in from the grave. She is ashamed of you and she will give you a piece of her mind from the grave, cause she says you don’t have one of your own.

Joe Biden your mother called in from the grave and said she should’ve aborted you. She is still trying to find the right coat hanger.

Send Joe Biden a Coat Hanger so he can abort himself.

Is suicide late-term abortion?

Epstein didn’t kill himself.

McAfee didn’t kill himself either.

Where is Hunter Biden’s laptop?

The commander and thief Lunch Box Joe stole the election.

Who is banging the Bidens?

Hunter Biden is less than a man. Hunter Biden has a little dick, or he wouldn’t have to bang children.

Crack daddy, pedophile Hunter Biden learned everything from the Big Guy Joe Biden

Recall Joe Biden

Where is Hunter Biden’s Laptop?

Would you send your kid to the Hunter Biden’s daycare center?

Who taught Hunter Biden all about sodomy? Was it the Big Guy Joe, Shifty Schiff, or Michelle-Michael Obama? Just pondering

It used to be if someone said your momma wears army boots you’d kick their ass. Now it could be true. But if someone says your momma’s got a dick it could be true.

Did folks in California wanna get rid of Nancy Pelosi by sending her to the East Coast and only allow her back for haircuts?

What’s worse? Nancy Pelosi being your mother-in-law or being married to Nancy Pelosi?

Santa Clause prefers cookies made in Colorado.

Child abuse is sending your kid to public school.

Gov’t schools are dangerous to your child’s mental health.

America, get your tax money back. Buy a Life insurance policy on Joe Biden. Name yourself as the beneficiary.

Why does anybody believe the fraudulent Dr. Fauci and his friends at the CDC? WHO are they and WHO is Bill Gates?

Is the American Government a co-conspirator with Fauci, the CDC, WHO, and Bill Gates in the premeditated murder through injections of biowarfare and telling people it’s for their own good? Just pondering.

America, the government is feeding you bullshit. Try eating your own shit. At least you know where it came from. Gross but true.

Wait, wear a mask! It will protect you from eating their shit.

Is giving children the jab child abuse?

Have you ever wanted to have blood clots, if so get the jab.

Want to legally give your spouse a heart attack? Take them to your neighborhood jab center.

Why do people say don’t walk Pigeon Toed? Pigeons don’t have toes.

Why does anyone NOT question authority?

Why does the left who pushes for gender-neutrality use the term mandate?

Who has better cocaine, Slick Willy Bill Clinton or Baby Boy George Bush?

Sorry, Hunter, you do Crack.

Why is Hillary Clinton still free?

Who are you? The Who has been pondering this question since 1978.

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Born To Live and Laugh

Have you ever wondered what you were here for? Does your life just feel like it has no meaning or purpose? Why were we brought into this universe anyway? Was it to slave day in and out to make just enough money to survive? Or was it to be the real you? The real you that knows how to live life to the fullest. The real you that knows how to laugh. The real you that wants to shine but you’ve been hiding all these years because you were living someone else’s wants, dreams and desires. All of us were born into this world to live and laugh. We were not brought in this world to drudge our life away. I challenge you to start today finding something to do, say, or be that allows the real you to emerge so that you live life to the fullest and laugh.