Toilet Ponderings 11.19.21 b

Just had to ponder some more…

It’s still Friday and more toilet ponderings.

Wonder how Kum-al-ova Harris is doing in her first day as president.

Will Lunch Box Joe, Creepy Joe, Joe Bid-laudin, Sniffilus Joe, Brandon, be now known as Sphincter Joe?

More Toilet Ponderings here on a Friday. Since the powers that be pay doctors 20% more if they jab a patient or use Redem-na-fear to kill a patient on top of what Medicare usually pays for a procedure normally to willing doctors. How much will the willing doctors working on pretend president Joe Bid-laudin (Sphincter Joe) be paid by the powers at hand to make sure Joe doesn’t get out of the hospital alive?

If he doesn’t will it be due to the anesthesia he is under, not the normal stuff he works on but the stuff he received in the hospital for his colon surgery?

Will the doctors get their bonus money for bumping off creepy Joe but cutting his bum and subsequently there is a bloodletting?

You might say instead of “cutting the jugular”, “cutting the ugulier”.

If the MDs accidentally nick his prick as they look for lettuce parts in his colon, will the notorious Joe Bid-laudin then pass not from the gas but from the staff?

Will Kum-al-ova Harris soon be replaced by Nancy Pelosi?

Will Nancy Pelosi suffer from a yoga accident caused by saggy spandex or tripping on her saggy jowls?

Then who will be the person acting and we do mean acting as el- Presidente. Are we watching a reality show that is obviously sponsored by Pfizer?

Toilet Pondering 11.19.21

I sit here today thinking of our country’s constitution.

I’m thinking of Joe Bid-laudin sitting in the hospital as doctors probe his anal passage.

I wonder if the proctologists are staring at Creepy Joe’s winker laughing and saying to each other “what an asshole”.

I’m sitting here dropping the morning constitutional thinking about Joe Bid-laudin in the hospital while the proctologist slams foreign objects into his bum.

I’m thinking about Cum-All-Ova Harris being our president.

Who needs an ex-lax when you’ve got this much crap going on in DC (District of Colon)?

Some say crap runs downhill. My question is, will all this crap flow into the house of representatives?

Will Nancy Pelosi be screaming, “I should be president, I should be president”?

Will Adam Shifty-Schiff start lying about how much he loves all this crap?

Will Schumer think he should put some on his face and call it a facial?

Will someone in congress inflate a lifeboat and paddle their way out?

For those people who don’t have the courage to stand up for Constitutional America will they now be inspired to do so?

With obvious overflowing crap in DC will they now hoard Toilet Paper in our country?

Does anybody have any questions or comments?

I better wrap this up so I can go buy some more Toilet Paper.

Holy Crap, it’s all jammed up in DC.

One last pondering, before I go to the store I have one more pondering.

Will the proctologist working on Joe Bid-laudin today be bragging about being up Creepy Joe’s asshole while they drink their martini’s tonight?

While they eat their dinner will they be thinking about tossed salad?

While Brandon is under anesthesia will the entire surgical staff be bouncing quarters off his saggy old ass?

Should we have seen this coming as Sniffilus Joe ripped a fart heard round the world sitting next to Prince Charle’s wife Camila?

Can anyone believe Cum-all-ova Harris is the acting president?

She doesn’t even know geography.

She thought being 800 miles away from the TX/Mex border meant she was on the border.

There seems to be an epidemic of smelly arses in DC.

I wonder if anyone agrees.

Well, America if there was ever a time, to go to the store and buy Toilet Paper, would it be now?

As we flush our toilets across America today will it be a toast to Stinky Joe?


Toilet Ponderings 10.25.21

It is important to remember we all have P particles.

Why don’t people come together because we all have P particles?

Why don’t the Dem’s realize that Joe Bidladin is an excrement?

If you are in the loo taking care of business while listening to music does the type of music you listen to have anything to do with the quality of your disposing of toxic waste?

For instance, if it’s Rock and Roll music does that indicate a more aggressive elimination?

If it’s country music, does that make it down-home dumping?

If it’s symphonic or operatic is that a classy crappy?

If it’s gospel music does that make it a more proper cleansing?

Why isn’t there a Paul Revere running the streets shouting, The Marxists are here, The Marxists are here, The Marxists are here?

Why does it take 36 hints over an 8 month period before your sweetheart will wanna pop the question?

Would this be a good hint? My balls are big and I’m really horny, Turn over babe so I can drop my load in your back forty.

When people go crazy because someone kills a puppy why don’t they go crazy when Planned Parenthood kills a baby?

Why do we tolerate a psychopath like Dr Fauci who has and is harming and killing Beagle puppies and any other kind of animal to get his hands on then gets board, ups the anny to experiment on human beings for his gain of function programs?

What would you do to protect your puppies, babies, teenagers, and adults from a psychopath who has factually killed over 17,000 people with his covid jabs then he invites other psychopaths at CDC, FDA, and president Joe Biden to conspire to commit genocide on planet earth’s humanity?

Why aren’t people in DC who represent We the People arresting the same killers who now mandate death to America and people around the world?

Who are the immoral sick individuals who allow this to continue?

What will people do when the Government sends troops to give you the jab?

Would it matter more if people knew the contents of the jab included more than graphite, metal shavings, mercury, parasites, nanobots, but also included dead babies injected into as many human bodies as possible?

When will we the people say “NO MORE, NO MORE!”

Why is Dr. Fauci still running free?

This is not funny. There is no laughter but this is life and we the living must stand up.

Why don’t people remember it’s born to live and laugh.

Just pondering

Children Who Are Haters Posing As Adult Haters

If any of those that you see on this video who work at Netflix (Husein Obama and wife Michael are board members) with Tambourines in hand and very angry at Dave Chappelle for his comedic delivery, attack a laughter supporter. They steal his sign (Property Theft) eventually taking his stick for the sign (both stick and sign were his property) and right after they rip the sign off his stick they started screaming “He has a weapon”.

So as many Marxist trying to take away our Guns (2A) they show they are the only ones worthy of having a weapon as well as a voice by taking what they called was his weapon.

If any of these adult imposters was my child I would take them off my will after buying them a one-way ticket to the CCP in China.

This is really no laughing matter but even in the darkest of times we must shake our heads and find some laughter in the whole situation.

The Bible says to be bold, not timid. Laugh boldly. Because we are all born to live and laugh. Love ya

Toilet Ponderings 10.09.21

Do the politicians have a socialist disease?

Why does the CCP Chinese call Joe Hop-Sing and Hunter Crack-Sing?

I wonder who took America’s backbone. Maybe that is why Chiropractor offices are closing down.

Are Vegans in Hollywood still vegans when they do a cannibal party? Maybe I should ask Katie Perry.

Why don’t they share on the news that Hunter Biden complained to his sister that “the Big Guy” Joe’s cut is 50%?

Did Hunter Biden rip his sister of when dad told her 50% Where did the money go?

Wonder how many people joined America in celebrating July Teenth? Are we celebrating October teenth too? Is this a new Teenth holiday every month?

Did Hunter Biden receive a lap dance while texting the Big Guy?

Wonder if American women had an allergic reaction after Joe Biden sniffed their hair?

If I’m allergic to socialism, communism, Marxist Socialist Communist, to anyone forcing to give me the jab, and vaccines. Does that qualify as a medical exemption?

Is it true Americans got arrested for praying?

Are inlaws the leading cause for divorce in America?

How many hours does a woman have to wait after abortin’ to go to happy hour? Bottoms up!

Would the world be a better place if Hillary Clinton had been aborted? Well there sure would be more people living right now if she had been.

Between 1973 – 2018 61.8M aborted babies. 1 abortion every 37 seconds. 2362 abortions per day. 98 abortions per hour. If the maker of maker of Planned Parenthood was aborted we’d have a whole lot more people living right now. Perhaps that’s why they do it; Population control.

Wonder if the fetus says when the vacuum cleaner starts sucking “Do you want me to put my feet up?”

A woman who tried to abort me taught me how to dance. Gotta move fast in the womb said the DNC survivor.

Would that be called Ball Womb Dancing?

Do you like horror movies? Imagine a baby in the womb trying to avoid Planned Parenthood murder attempts as Planned Parenthood murders you.