Just had to ponder some more…
It’s still Friday and more toilet ponderings.
Wonder how Kum-al-ova Harris is doing in her first day as president.
Will Lunch Box Joe, Creepy Joe, Joe Bid-laudin, Sniffilus Joe, Brandon, be now known as Sphincter Joe?
More Toilet Ponderings here on a Friday. Since the powers that be pay doctors 20% more if they jab a patient or use Redem-na-fear to kill a patient on top of what Medicare usually pays for a procedure normally to willing doctors. How much will the willing doctors working on pretend president Joe Bid-laudin (Sphincter Joe) be paid by the powers at hand to make sure Joe doesn’t get out of the hospital alive?
If he doesn’t will it be due to the anesthesia he is under, not the normal stuff he works on but the stuff he received in the hospital for his colon surgery?
Will the doctors get their bonus money for bumping off creepy Joe but cutting his bum and subsequently there is a bloodletting?
You might say instead of “cutting the jugular”, “cutting the ugulier”.
If the MDs accidentally nick his prick as they look for lettuce parts in his colon, will the notorious Joe Bid-laudin then pass not from the gas but from the staff?
Will Kum-al-ova Harris soon be replaced by Nancy Pelosi?
Will Nancy Pelosi suffer from a yoga accident caused by saggy spandex or tripping on her saggy jowls?
Then who will be the person acting and we do mean acting as el- Presidente. Are we watching a reality show that is obviously sponsored by Pfizer?