Toilet Ponderings 02.06.2022

Here I sit and ponder.

It makes me wonder.

If people sit in the bathroom and think about movements across the globe, is it ok to think about global movements while you are having a movement? or is that so wrong, or oh so right?

Since a very small percentage of people, 2% or under depending on your source want to be transgenders, identify themselves as gender-neutral, don’t like the terminology of men and women, boys and girls then why do they not have a gender when they switch genders to be the other gender to be gender-neutral?

If one trades in their penis for a vagina in order to be a girl are they not taking on the gender position of being a girl?

If a girl trades in her vagina for some kind of guy appendage so she can be a guy, does that not make her a guy?

The her is a he and the he is a her but no matter what, they have a gender.

So what does it take to be gender-neutral?

If one wants to be gender-neutral should that really mean they or it or them should have zero sex.

To be completely absent in ones sexual activity would indicate they don’t have any sex going on.

Whether you squat to pee, stand to pee, to be completely gender-free in your waste release, no matter what you call yourself you must sit and have a gender-neutral movement.

Remember courtesy flush, please!

Since to be gender-free remember can one really sit on the toilet and play with themselves because that thing you are playing with might indicate you have a gender.

Just pondering.

If a mother in Canada in one of the greatest freedom marches heard round the world is a trucker does that make her a mother trucker?

Does anyone know that woosy Justin Trudeau is a majority stockholder in a company called Acuitas. This company holds the patents to the lipid nanoparticles that are put into the mRNA bio-warfare product called the covid vax.

Could that have anything to do with why he would kill people or incarcerate them if they do not help make him money as a majority stockholder of part of the biowarfare terrorism movement here on planet Gaia?

Doesn’t that kind of make him a war criminal?

Just pondering.

Have you ever met a dog in the neighborhood who frightens all the children because the dog is a well-known leg humper?

Is that dog gender-neutral because they, them, or it will hump on anything that moves and is under 4 foot tall?

Just pondering.

With all the ponderings pertaining to gender neutrality, if a guy who still identifies as a guy but has a 2-inch dick is he still a guy?

If that same guy has a moment that causes shrinkage, then what?

Can a guy still be a guy if he is hung like a clit and then suffers shrinkage?

Some may think this is cruel but should the guy ever decide to go to the surgeon to be gender-neutral will the surgeon ask the question, ” why bother? save yourself some money, go buy some new lingerie”.

Will the surgeon also give travel advice and say, don’t vacation where the weather is cold?

Just pondering.

Do guys who have 2-inch dicks only swim in heated pools?

Just pondering.

If a 2-inch guy meets a 5-inch girl and they are both gender-neutral, do either of them have penis envy?

Just pondering.

Toilet Ponderings 10.25.21

It is important to remember we all have P particles.

Why don’t people come together because we all have P particles?

Why don’t the Dem’s realize that Joe Bidladin is an excrement?

If you are in the loo taking care of business while listening to music does the type of music you listen to have anything to do with the quality of your disposing of toxic waste?

For instance, if it’s Rock and Roll music does that indicate a more aggressive elimination?

If it’s country music, does that make it down-home dumping?

If it’s symphonic or operatic is that a classy crappy?

If it’s gospel music does that make it a more proper cleansing?

Why isn’t there a Paul Revere running the streets shouting, The Marxists are here, The Marxists are here, The Marxists are here?

Why does it take 36 hints over an 8 month period before your sweetheart will wanna pop the question?

Would this be a good hint? My balls are big and I’m really horny, Turn over babe so I can drop my load in your back forty.

When people go crazy because someone kills a puppy why don’t they go crazy when Planned Parenthood kills a baby?

Why do we tolerate a psychopath like Dr Fauci who has and is harming and killing Beagle puppies and any other kind of animal to get his hands on then gets board, ups the anny to experiment on human beings for his gain of function programs?

What would you do to protect your puppies, babies, teenagers, and adults from a psychopath who has factually killed over 17,000 people with his covid jabs then he invites other psychopaths at CDC, FDA, and president Joe Biden to conspire to commit genocide on planet earth’s humanity?

Why aren’t people in DC who represent We the People arresting the same killers who now mandate death to America and people around the world?

Who are the immoral sick individuals who allow this to continue?

What will people do when the Government sends troops to give you the jab?

Would it matter more if people knew the contents of the jab included more than graphite, metal shavings, mercury, parasites, nanobots, but also included dead babies injected into as many human bodies as possible?

When will we the people say “NO MORE, NO MORE!”

Why is Dr. Fauci still running free?

This is not funny. There is no laughter but this is life and we the living must stand up.

Why don’t people remember it’s born to live and laugh.

Just pondering

Children Who Are Haters Posing As Adult Haters

If any of those that you see on this video who work at Netflix (Husein Obama and wife Michael are board members) with Tambourines in hand and very angry at Dave Chappelle for his comedic delivery, attack a laughter supporter. They steal his sign (Property Theft) eventually taking his stick for the sign (both stick and sign were his property) and right after they rip the sign off his stick they started screaming “He has a weapon”.

So as many Marxist trying to take away our Guns (2A) they show they are the only ones worthy of having a weapon as well as a voice by taking what they called was his weapon.

If any of these adult imposters was my child I would take them off my will after buying them a one-way ticket to the CCP in China.

This is really no laughing matter but even in the darkest of times we must shake our heads and find some laughter in the whole situation.

The Bible says to be bold, not timid. Laugh boldly. Because we are all born to live and laugh. Love ya

Toilet Ponderings 09.13.2021

Is Isis K a breakfast cereal?

Why are we letting the minority 2% owning the majority?

Nothing says you love your kids more than sending your kids to public school. When did schools become pubic schools?

Things that might make you wanna homeschool your child.

Your kid says mommy I’m tired of my teacher taking my temp every day. Why do they have to use a rectal thermometer?

Mommy why can the Govt counterfeit money and we can’t?

Mommy my teacher wants me to stay over to learn a new game called guess how many inches.

Mommy, we played drinking games called How much can you swallow?

My kid’s school teacher said they are going to play bottoms up, what exactly does that mean?

My teacher had his zipper down. I told him and he said thanks for noticing.

Why did my kid’s science teacher ask, do you do anal?

Why did my kid’s school teacher say he wanted to toss my kid’s salad?

What are people gonna say now when their kids don’t want to go back to school anymore?

Covid is the world’s worst experiment. When are we gonna say NO MORE?

When are we gonna pull our kids from public schools?

Toilet Ponderings 09.01.21

If Alexa, Google, and Big Brother are allowed to watch you, why do they arrest peeping Toms?

If Google, Siri, and Big Brother are allowed to follow you wherever you go, why do they arrest stalkers?

Why are we allowing communists to rule America?

Why are the elitists buying up all the farmland and then telling us to expect food shortages?

Is it more honorable to get shot standing up for freedom or getting a shot?

What do DC politicians, the swamp, Russia, China, Iran, Isis, and the Taliban all have in common?

If the government and your employer want to give you the jab does that mean they are jihadists?

Why do politicians want to kill the members of our military by giving them an experimental vax that’s not a vax?

How can anyone possibly know all the 2 Million laws?

When did Nancy Pelosi become queen?

If you can get a restraining order against a person why can’t we get a restraining order against the government?

Toilet Ponderings 07.05.21

Random thoughts that come to the mind while pondering on the toilet.

Get your daily dose of toilet ponderings.

Give Joe Biden some shit. Send him your dirty diapers.

Give Joe Biden a piece of your mind, cause he has none of his own.

Joe Biden your mother called in from the grave. She is ashamed of you and she will give you a piece of her mind from the grave, cause she says you don’t have one of your own.

Joe Biden your mother called in from the grave and said she should’ve aborted you. She is still trying to find the right coat hanger.

Send Joe Biden a Coat Hanger so he can abort himself.

Is suicide late-term abortion?

Epstein didn’t kill himself.

McAfee didn’t kill himself either.

Where is Hunter Biden’s laptop?

The commander and thief Lunch Box Joe stole the election.

Who is banging the Bidens?

Hunter Biden is less than a man. Hunter Biden has a little dick, or he wouldn’t have to bang children.

Crack daddy, pedophile Hunter Biden learned everything from the Big Guy Joe Biden

Recall Joe Biden

Where is Hunter Biden’s Laptop?

Would you send your kid to the Hunter Biden’s daycare center?

Who taught Hunter Biden all about sodomy? Was it the Big Guy Joe, Shifty Schiff, or Michelle-Michael Obama? Just pondering

It used to be if someone said your momma wears army boots you’d kick their ass. Now it could be true. But if someone says your momma’s got a dick it could be true.

Did folks in California wanna get rid of Nancy Pelosi by sending her to the East Coast and only allow her back for haircuts?

What’s worse? Nancy Pelosi being your mother-in-law or being married to Nancy Pelosi?

Santa Clause prefers cookies made in Colorado.

Child abuse is sending your kid to public school.

Gov’t schools are dangerous to your child’s mental health.

America, get your tax money back. Buy a Life insurance policy on Joe Biden. Name yourself as the beneficiary.

Why does anybody believe the fraudulent Dr. Fauci and his friends at the CDC? WHO are they and WHO is Bill Gates?

Is the American Government a co-conspirator with Fauci, the CDC, WHO, and Bill Gates in the premeditated murder through injections of biowarfare and telling people it’s for their own good? Just pondering.

America, the government is feeding you bullshit. Try eating your own shit. At least you know where it came from. Gross but true.

Wait, wear a mask! It will protect you from eating their shit.

Is giving children the jab child abuse?

Have you ever wanted to have blood clots, if so get the jab.

Want to legally give your spouse a heart attack? Take them to your neighborhood jab center.

Why do people say don’t walk Pigeon Toed? Pigeons don’t have toes.

Why does anyone NOT question authority?

Why does the left who pushes for gender-neutrality use the term mandate?

Who has better cocaine, Slick Willy Bill Clinton or Baby Boy George Bush?

Sorry, Hunter, you do Crack.

Why is Hillary Clinton still free?

Who are you? The Who has been pondering this question since 1978.

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