Toilet Ponderings 02.06.2022

Here I sit and ponder.

It makes me wonder.

If people sit in the bathroom and think about movements across the globe, is it ok to think about global movements while you are having a movement? or is that so wrong, or oh so right?

Since a very small percentage of people, 2% or under depending on your source want to be transgenders, identify themselves as gender-neutral, don’t like the terminology of men and women, boys and girls then why do they not have a gender when they switch genders to be the other gender to be gender-neutral?

If one trades in their penis for a vagina in order to be a girl are they not taking on the gender position of being a girl?

If a girl trades in her vagina for some kind of guy appendage so she can be a guy, does that not make her a guy?

The her is a he and the he is a her but no matter what, they have a gender.

So what does it take to be gender-neutral?

If one wants to be gender-neutral should that really mean they or it or them should have zero sex.

To be completely absent in ones sexual activity would indicate they don’t have any sex going on.

Whether you squat to pee, stand to pee, to be completely gender-free in your waste release, no matter what you call yourself you must sit and have a gender-neutral movement.

Remember courtesy flush, please!

Since to be gender-free remember can one really sit on the toilet and play with themselves because that thing you are playing with might indicate you have a gender.

Just pondering.

If a mother in Canada in one of the greatest freedom marches heard round the world is a trucker does that make her a mother trucker?

Does anyone know that woosy Justin Trudeau is a majority stockholder in a company called Acuitas. This company holds the patents to the lipid nanoparticles that are put into the mRNA bio-warfare product called the covid vax.

Could that have anything to do with why he would kill people or incarcerate them if they do not help make him money as a majority stockholder of part of the biowarfare terrorism movement here on planet Gaia?

Doesn’t that kind of make him a war criminal?

Just pondering.

Have you ever met a dog in the neighborhood who frightens all the children because the dog is a well-known leg humper?

Is that dog gender-neutral because they, them, or it will hump on anything that moves and is under 4 foot tall?

Just pondering.

With all the ponderings pertaining to gender neutrality, if a guy who still identifies as a guy but has a 2-inch dick is he still a guy?

If that same guy has a moment that causes shrinkage, then what?

Can a guy still be a guy if he is hung like a clit and then suffers shrinkage?

Some may think this is cruel but should the guy ever decide to go to the surgeon to be gender-neutral will the surgeon ask the question, ” why bother? save yourself some money, go buy some new lingerie”.

Will the surgeon also give travel advice and say, don’t vacation where the weather is cold?

Just pondering.

Do guys who have 2-inch dicks only swim in heated pools?

Just pondering.

If a 2-inch guy meets a 5-inch girl and they are both gender-neutral, do either of them have penis envy?

Just pondering.

Toilet Ponderings 12.25.21

If you are depositing fecal matter into the toilet on Christmas day, do we realize that is a gift from God and Baby Jesus because we are allowed to have a body that functions?

Does that make our deposits holy fecal?

Would the snowman be the snowman if he could drop a holiday steamer on the front lawn?

When you flush the loo on Christmas day are you sending Christmas packages to the septic tank?

Does anybody read toilet ponderings on Christmas day?

What does it mean if you would rather read toilet ponderings on Christmas day than associate with the inlaws?

If you are thinking about toilet ponderings and you are not in the bathroom does that mean you will be in the bathroom soon?

If you need to go but you are a bit stuffed up does anyone realize it would be easier to make skid marks while thinking about your feelings for the toxic Dr. Anthony Fauci or his cohort in crime Joe Brandon Bidlaudin?

If you can’t snap a log off while sitting on a comfortable toilet would it make it easier to say “let’s go, Brandon”?

Are people who courtesy flush more likely to be favored by baby Jesus took his first crap did Mary and the others say “Holy Shit”?

If you eat the carrot sticks on a holiday veggie tray will you poop bunny droppings?

Would one be more shocked to find out their dog knows how to spell Merry Christmas on the front lawn while dragging its ass on the grass?

How many toilet ponderings is it ok to have on Christmas day?

What does it mean if you think to yourself that farting around the Christmas table is gifting those presents?

Is it wise to change your baby’s diaper on Christmas morning if you were drinking heavily on Christmas eve?

How old are babies when their poop changes from yellow to brown?

Is it wrong to give enema bags to friends at Christmas?

Why do people make bathrooms with no fans?

What kind of pie on Christmas makes you poop more?

On Christmas day, is it ok to let grandpa poop in his favorite chair and not want to change his pants all day, then invite everyone in to watch his movie on the big screen?

Why am I still sitting here toasting ass mushrooms over an open fire while teaching a 5 yr old to light his farts?

Why are you thinking to yourself what color of lighter the 5 yr old would prefer?

Since the government wants to make a 5-year-old drink cool-aid, accept the jab, isn’t the 5-year-old old enough to light the spike proteins emitting from his Christmas bum?

Is the 5-year-old old enough to vote and get a driver’s license if the 5-year-old is old enough to get the jab and do gender switch without telling parents?

When will people realize they are being lied to by Dr Fauci, Joe Bidlaudin, the CDC, the FDA, and the WHO while they are praying that God saves them from an angry population of individuals who realized that they have been lied to?

I wonder how many people are still reading my Christmas day toilet pondering.

I wonder if people will share my toilet pondering at the dining room table with their friends and family.

If a female voice hollers through the bathroom door “what are you still doing in there?”, is it ok to say “I’m thinking”?

If they reply, “you have been in there for a long time, what are you thinking about?”, and should you say I wonder why no one left toilet paper in the bathroom?

Then is our next thought as you sit there for an hour or two, “why isn’t someone bringing me some toilet paper.”

Is it ok for you to be impressed with the size of your manhood?

If you fart and it’s hot is that a burnt offering?

Toilet Ponderings 12.1.21

Who can tell a rose to be beautiful?

Who can tell a fart to smell?

Are there any roses that smell like farts but still look beautiful?

Do people know they can have the beauty of a rose and still fart because none of us is perfect?

I wonder if people understand in one way or another they are all beautiful even though they fart?

Wonder if people know they must merely choose to be happy?

Just as they must choose to be the rose.

Even though sometimes you don’t choose to fart.

They can still be happy and smile like a beautiful rose because God gave them the ability to fart and to laugh at that fart.

Thank you Edgar Cayce for this morning’s stimulation.

Toilet Ponderings 11.25.21

It’s Thanksgiving day and I am in this bathroom pondering about being thankful

  1. I am very thankful that I get to ponder indoors instead of a cold outhouse.
  2. I am very thanful that I have nice toilet paper that isn’t designed to terrorize me and my bum from the NWO toilet paper company.
  3. I am thankful that the water bill is paid so I can not worry about the numer of courtesy flushes that have been going on in here.
  4. I am thankful I can cleanse my intestines to not be backed up then have to ask the doctor for a pharmco pill to take care of those issues that carry a warning that a pharmco pill could cause cramps, bad gas, and possibly give you a heart attack.
  5. I wonder why no one in this crowded house has volunteered to give me an enema.
  6. If I have bad blockage can I use a tripple domed plunger in a Thanksgiving day kind of way.
  7. i ponder about money issues like should I fish the fifty cents that fell out of my pocket and is laying in the bottom of the toilet at this time.
  8. I wonder if I slip a dollar bill under the door if that kid pounding on the door saying he can’t wait will leave me alone or tell me he needs $5 to leave me alone due to inflation, money issues, you know. These kids catch on fast.
  9. Someone left their panty hose in here on the rack they look clean, I wonder if I should I pull them over my head and play bank robber, more money issues.
  10. I wonder if I pull those panty hose over my head and walk out into that crowded room how many people will hand me their wallets thinking I am here to rob them and should I put that money in my IRA or just go buy an ounce or two of gold with it.
  11. Or should I go spend that money and help support the hard workers of America who brew beer for all of us to have here on this day of Thanksgiving.
  12. I wonder if anybody knows I wash my hands after being in here for so long.
  13. I wonder if the last person washed their hands before they grabbed the doorknob to get out of here.
  14. Why don’t more people have bidets?
  15. I wonder how much toilet paper has been bought in this country for this weekend.
  16. I wonder if people know taking a dump will save them money from buying weightloss products that don’t work.
  17. i wonder if people have ever heard the expression “Don’t be a hog, just go drop the log.”
  18. I wonder if I should try a new fashion statement this holiday as I leave the loo should I have toilet paper coming from the back of my pants and dragging on the floor behind me?
  19. then when I hear somebody say they need a new napkin just spin my butt around toward them and say “I can spare a square”.
  20. I wonder if that kid on the other side of the door who took my $1 and my $5 will ever give me my money back because he hasn’t stopped banging the door.
  21. I wonder if I should teach him respect by sitting in here and watching the football game on my phone.
  22. did I just hear him say, “mommy, I crapped my pants!” ?
  23. he is not at the door now I wonder if I should do my paperwork, slip out the side door, go pick up a 12 pack, maybe two, come back in the front door like I went on a beer run and it wasn’t me that was in the bathroom that made that kid crap his pants.
  24. Like the brother’s Osborne song goes, “It ain’t my fault”.
  25. I wonder if all y’all know it’s Thanksgving and to count your blessings and know that there are people who may not say it, but they are thankful for you.
  26. Be thankful, you could have been the one coming in this bathroom after I slipped out the side door.
  27. I wonder if I will hear the next person cry out “Lordy, Lordy” as I’m going to pick up a 40.

Happy Thanksgiving All Y’all

Toilet Ponderings 11.19.21 b

Just had to ponder some more…

It’s still Friday and more toilet ponderings.

Wonder how Kum-al-ova Harris is doing in her first day as president.

Will Lunch Box Joe, Creepy Joe, Joe Bid-laudin, Sniffilus Joe, Brandon, be now known as Sphincter Joe?

More Toilet Ponderings here on a Friday. Since the powers that be pay doctors 20% more if they jab a patient or use Redem-na-fear to kill a patient on top of what Medicare usually pays for a procedure normally to willing doctors. How much will the willing doctors working on pretend president Joe Bid-laudin (Sphincter Joe) be paid by the powers at hand to make sure Joe doesn’t get out of the hospital alive?

If he doesn’t will it be due to the anesthesia he is under, not the normal stuff he works on but the stuff he received in the hospital for his colon surgery?

Will the doctors get their bonus money for bumping off creepy Joe but cutting his bum and subsequently there is a bloodletting?

You might say instead of “cutting the jugular”, “cutting the ugulier”.

If the MDs accidentally nick his prick as they look for lettuce parts in his colon, will the notorious Joe Bid-laudin then pass not from the gas but from the staff?

Will Kum-al-ova Harris soon be replaced by Nancy Pelosi?

Will Nancy Pelosi suffer from a yoga accident caused by saggy spandex or tripping on her saggy jowls?

Then who will be the person acting and we do mean acting as el- Presidente. Are we watching a reality show that is obviously sponsored by Pfizer?

Toilet Pondering 11.19.21

I sit here today thinking of our country’s constitution.

I’m thinking of Joe Bid-laudin sitting in the hospital as doctors probe his anal passage.

I wonder if the proctologists are staring at Creepy Joe’s winker laughing and saying to each other “what an asshole”.

I’m sitting here dropping the morning constitutional thinking about Joe Bid-laudin in the hospital while the proctologist slams foreign objects into his bum.

I’m thinking about Cum-All-Ova Harris being our president.

Who needs an ex-lax when you’ve got this much crap going on in DC (District of Colon)?

Some say crap runs downhill. My question is, will all this crap flow into the house of representatives?

Will Nancy Pelosi be screaming, “I should be president, I should be president”?

Will Adam Shifty-Schiff start lying about how much he loves all this crap?

Will Schumer think he should put some on his face and call it a facial?

Will someone in congress inflate a lifeboat and paddle their way out?

For those people who don’t have the courage to stand up for Constitutional America will they now be inspired to do so?

With obvious overflowing crap in DC will they now hoard Toilet Paper in our country?

Does anybody have any questions or comments?

I better wrap this up so I can go buy some more Toilet Paper.

Holy Crap, it’s all jammed up in DC.

One last pondering, before I go to the store I have one more pondering.

Will the proctologist working on Joe Bid-laudin today be bragging about being up Creepy Joe’s asshole while they drink their martini’s tonight?

While they eat their dinner will they be thinking about tossed salad?

While Brandon is under anesthesia will the entire surgical staff be bouncing quarters off his saggy old ass?

Should we have seen this coming as Sniffilus Joe ripped a fart heard round the world sitting next to Prince Charle’s wife Camila?

Can anyone believe Cum-all-ova Harris is the acting president?

She doesn’t even know geography.

She thought being 800 miles away from the TX/Mex border meant she was on the border.

There seems to be an epidemic of smelly arses in DC.

I wonder if anyone agrees.

Well, America if there was ever a time, to go to the store and buy Toilet Paper, would it be now?

As we flush our toilets across America today will it be a toast to Stinky Joe?


Toilet Ponderings 10.25.21

It is important to remember we all have P particles.

Why don’t people come together because we all have P particles?

Why don’t the Dem’s realize that Joe Bidladin is an excrement?

If you are in the loo taking care of business while listening to music does the type of music you listen to have anything to do with the quality of your disposing of toxic waste?

For instance, if it’s Rock and Roll music does that indicate a more aggressive elimination?

If it’s country music, does that make it down-home dumping?

If it’s symphonic or operatic is that a classy crappy?

If it’s gospel music does that make it a more proper cleansing?

Why isn’t there a Paul Revere running the streets shouting, The Marxists are here, The Marxists are here, The Marxists are here?

Why does it take 36 hints over an 8 month period before your sweetheart will wanna pop the question?

Would this be a good hint? My balls are big and I’m really horny, Turn over babe so I can drop my load in your back forty.

When people go crazy because someone kills a puppy why don’t they go crazy when Planned Parenthood kills a baby?

Why do we tolerate a psychopath like Dr Fauci who has and is harming and killing Beagle puppies and any other kind of animal to get his hands on then gets board, ups the anny to experiment on human beings for his gain of function programs?

What would you do to protect your puppies, babies, teenagers, and adults from a psychopath who has factually killed over 17,000 people with his covid jabs then he invites other psychopaths at CDC, FDA, and president Joe Biden to conspire to commit genocide on planet earth’s humanity?

Why aren’t people in DC who represent We the People arresting the same killers who now mandate death to America and people around the world?

Who are the immoral sick individuals who allow this to continue?

What will people do when the Government sends troops to give you the jab?

Would it matter more if people knew the contents of the jab included more than graphite, metal shavings, mercury, parasites, nanobots, but also included dead babies injected into as many human bodies as possible?

When will we the people say “NO MORE, NO MORE!”

Why is Dr. Fauci still running free?

This is not funny. There is no laughter but this is life and we the living must stand up.

Why don’t people remember it’s born to live and laugh.

Just pondering

Toilet Ponderings 10.05.21

Why would the folks from India name a musical instrument Zitar after a blackhead?

Did Facebook crash its own site to get more media time?

What percentage of the world’s people want freedom over tyranny?

Why don’t people stand up for freedom?

Why do the people of America think it’s a democracy and miss that America is a Republic, one nation under God?

How do you avoid other people’s saliva when you are bobbing for apples?

Why do Governments not want their people to ask Why then want them to not say No?

Why is are the people in government so dumb?

May be a Twitter screenshot of 1 person and text that says 'Senator Rand Paul @RandPaul Speaking of which, buried in the foreign aid reports last year, I discovered something we give foreign aid to China. So government is so dumb, it is literally borrowing money from China, to give it back to China, while paying interest on it.'

Why does the creature in the Maderna Vaccine look like the alien from Independence Day the Movie?

The "Independence Day" biomechanical suit ~ alienex plorations

Toilet Pondering 10.03.21

With so much crap going on in Washington DC it makes me wonder what is the official toilet paper for Congress in the White House?

I wonder if they use thick toilet paper or if they believe their sustainability in thin toilet paper. Aw shucks as much crap as they drop every day it’s gotta be thick. This thin stuff is for the rest of us.

How does Joe Bidladin sleep at night?

How do people in congress sleep at night?

How do the swamp members at the pentagon sleep at night?

How does General Mike Milley look at himself in the mirror? Was he large and in charge of imprisoning Lt Stuart Scheller?

Is the general a brave man, a treasonous man, or does he use more toilet paper in one day than the entire USA uses in a year? Cause he is full of crap.

Does he have a reason for his treason?

Does Washington believe the holidays are a season for treason?

What is the house and the senate’s reason for the treason?

Do we pay taxes to Uncle Sam so it can go to the Taliban?

Why didn’t Joe Bidladin’s mother abort him?

Did the majority of Toilet Paper hoarding happen because the politicians wanted to cover their arse?

Does Joe Bidladin plunge his own toilet?

I wonder if Mr. Bidladin knows We the people can only handle so much stress and that he is really pushing it.

Should we put Joe Bidladin’s press secretary in a box and send her back to CNN?

What do Slick Willy, Bill Gates, Joe Bidladin, Shifty Shift, Hussain Obama, and Aqua Lung have in common? Is it they like to sit at playgrounds and watch the children play?

Sitting on the park bench. Eyeing little girls with bad intent. Watching as the frilly panties run.

Toilet Pondering 09.28.21

Do hairy muffin tops smell?

Why are feminine hormones the cause of all men’s suffering?

Why is PMS the perfect man tool to cast blame on the opposite sex anytime the man does something badly?

Why don’t they change the definition of a period to the time of the month when men get to act as bad as they want and blame it on the woman being on the rag?

Why don’t men know that blaming anything on a woman’s time of the month just lets all women know the man is the problem?

If you can’t drink and drive, why do bars have parking lots?

Is it better to conceive a child in a van, pickup truck, or a limo?

Would you have given baby Jesus the jab?

What do Dr. Mangala and Dr. Faui have in common?

Is Gayna Function Dr. Fauci’s mistress?

Does Gayna Function work at the Wuhan lab?

Has Dr. Fauci ever heard of the Nuremberg Codes?

Shouldn’t the FDA be tried for crimes against humanity?

Do you want a healthcare worker who compromises just to keep their job or do you want a healthcare worker with integrity?

Many people must have a urine test to get a job, why don’t politicians?

Why are we allowing idiots to run the country?

How many in congress took the Constitutional oath and purged themselves?

Does that make them the House of hypocrites?

Why do they think the government was almost toppled by an unarmed mob on January 6th? What does that tell our enemies?

Who shot Ashley Babbitt?

Are all Rhinos pedophiles?

LBGTQ+ what does the plus stand for anyway?

How bad does Kevin Spacey have to be to be banned from Epstein’s Island?

Who taught Hunter Biden Sodomy?

Is a 12-year-old too old to attend a Hunter Biden party?

Who supplies Hunter Biden crack?

When did PC become Pro-China?

Why does Hunter Biden’s artwork cost so much?

Why don’t people understand money laundering is not the Bidens throwing their pants in the washer without checking their pockets?

Since the Biden Regime allows illegals to cross the border and gives them free homes, why are America’s homeless left on the streets?

Wouldn’t all the homeless have died if there was a real pandemic?