Toilet Pondering 11.19.21

I sit here today thinking of our country’s constitution.

I’m thinking of Joe Bid-laudin sitting in the hospital as doctors probe his anal passage.

I wonder if the proctologists are staring at Creepy Joe’s winker laughing and saying to each other “what an asshole”.

I’m sitting here dropping the morning constitutional thinking about Joe Bid-laudin in the hospital while the proctologist slams foreign objects into his bum.

I’m thinking about Cum-All-Ova Harris being our president.

Who needs an ex-lax when you’ve got this much crap going on in DC (District of Colon)?

Some say crap runs downhill. My question is, will all this crap flow into the house of representatives?

Will Nancy Pelosi be screaming, “I should be president, I should be president”?

Will Adam Shifty-Schiff start lying about how much he loves all this crap?

Will Schumer think he should put some on his face and call it a facial?

Will someone in congress inflate a lifeboat and paddle their way out?

For those people who don’t have the courage to stand up for Constitutional America will they now be inspired to do so?

With obvious overflowing crap in DC will they now hoard Toilet Paper in our country?

Does anybody have any questions or comments?

I better wrap this up so I can go buy some more Toilet Paper.

Holy Crap, it’s all jammed up in DC.

One last pondering, before I go to the store I have one more pondering.

Will the proctologist working on Joe Bid-laudin today be bragging about being up Creepy Joe’s asshole while they drink their martini’s tonight?

While they eat their dinner will they be thinking about tossed salad?

While Brandon is under anesthesia will the entire surgical staff be bouncing quarters off his saggy old ass?

Should we have seen this coming as Sniffilus Joe ripped a fart heard round the world sitting next to Prince Charle’s wife Camila?

Can anyone believe Cum-all-ova Harris is the acting president?

She doesn’t even know geography.

She thought being 800 miles away from the TX/Mex border meant she was on the border.

There seems to be an epidemic of smelly arses in DC.

I wonder if anyone agrees.

Well, America if there was ever a time, to go to the store and buy Toilet Paper, would it be now?

As we flush our toilets across America today will it be a toast to Stinky Joe?


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